Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mount Vernon Insider: Political AD: Paid for by The District PAC, Inc.


In May 2024, sitting congressman Jamaal Bowman and fellow Squad Member AOC visited protesters at Columbia University, which emboldenend and inflamed the mob. Bowman then criticised law enforcement and University administrators for restoring order.

In October 2023, Jamal Bowman pled guilty to the misdemeanor of “willfully” setting off a false fire alarm in the US Capital building interrupting congressional proceedings. In January 2022 Bowman was arrested outside the U.S. Capitol Building while protesting Senate chambers proceedings on passage of voting rights legislation.

Comrade Jamaal Bowman uses chaos and civil unrest to destabilize and destroy our institutions, which he claims are used by white supremacists to oppress and control Latino and Black and Brown Americans.

Bowman’s distorted view of America has earned him a place in The Squad. A small group of left wing radical democrats, who foment chaos, civil unrest, looting, destruction of property and disruption of roadways and airports.

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman must be stopped. Vote for George Latimer in the June 25th Democrat Party Primary for the 16th Congressional District. Paid for by the District PAc, Inc. Not affiliated with any political candidate or party @TheDistrictPac

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