Some wonderful news to share: the Mount Vernon Uniformed Firefighters Association has endorsed me for re-election, adding a vital and important public safety union to our growing list of labor support.
And tomorrow at 10 am, join us for a massive rally to kick off the last weekend of early voting and build unstoppable momentum going into Tuesday! Our team will be there to greet you at Mount Vernon Democratic headquarters, One Park Avenue. Grab some literature, signs, and selfies with the candidates - canvassing and phone banking to follow. Let’s get this done!
Our firefighters put their lives on the line every day to ensure the safety and well-being of residents. Their work goes well beyond fighting building fires - they respond to traffic accidents and are absolutely crucial first responders in any emergency our city faces. It is a great honor to have them on our side as we work to continue to build measurable and meaningful progress in Mount Vernon.
The firefighters join an increasingly broad alliance of support we are building - including the Westchester Putnam Central Labor Body, 1199 SEIU, New York League of Conservation Voters, Mom Demand Action Against Gun Violence, Eleanor's Legacy, the New York State Nurses Association, District Council 9 of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, and the Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers.
Remember, early voting has started and continues through Sunday, June 25th at City Hall and the Doles Center. Polls open at 6 am and close at 9 pm on Tuesday, June 27th, at your regular polling place. Tell your friends and neighbors to get out there and vote.
Let’s keep Mount Vernon moving forward together!
Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard
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