Sunday, September 22, 2019



Fiscally Responsible Raises are a Win for Employees and Taxpayers.

Mount Vernon, NY, September 20, 2019
 - The Mount Vernon Public Library Board of Trustees and CSEA signed off on an agreement today that ends six years of negotiation. Library employees will receive annual increases of  two (2 %) percent for 2014 through 2019; two-and-a-half (2.5%) percent for 2020 through 2022 and two (2 %) percent for 2023.

Gary Newman CSEA Mount Vernon Public Library Unit President stated, "After a hard fought six year battle, we're thrilled that we'll finally be getting our pay raises.  CSEA has been with us 100%, and can be proud of the strength and resilience of its members.  We're all hoping for an era of better relations with management as we move forward."

The old contract was extended to allow for ongoing negotiations. This new historic 10 year contract marks the first agreement for unionized workers have signed with elected Library Trustees. "A lot has been done to improve this great institution but for me, the greatest accomplishment was to satisfy a fair contract that provides wages to our staff and is financially prudent for our taxpayers," said Library Board President Oscar Davis Jr.  

Workers are employed by the library, not the city. The library is a separate entity that this year received $4.8 million from taxpayers for its operating budget. To cover its remaining expenses, the library raises revenue, solicits donations, and applies for grants.

Over the past few years the Board of Trustees has been focused on creating a public library that is not only a repository for books but a fuller community resource that includes special events and programming. Improving employee work environments and work on the building is ongoing. Technology to put the library in the forefront has been installed and upgrades to some existing systems have been made. An ambitious plan is in the works to develop a Teen Computer Lab that will motivate young people through computer technology. The lab will help fill a void that prohibits some youth from engaging in advantages offered in modern information and communications technology.

"With the contract behind us we can move full steam ahead with developing more great things at the Mount Vernon Public Library. I am confident we all want Westchester's Central Library to be the place others want to emulate," said Davis.

For additional information on Mount Vernon Public Library resources visit us online at or contact us at 914-668-1840.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mount Vernon Mayor André Wallace's Message to Students.

By Mayor André Wallace
School’s back in session. I wanted to write directly to the students from the City of Mount Vernon to provide encouragement and to share my own personal experience. As adults, we often forget that we too were once students and that the decisions that we made or the habits we may have picked up impacted our adult lives and even the lives of the next generation. I hope you’ll take this column for what it is really meant to be: a supportive message of encouragement. I am a cheerleader for each and every one of you. I want you to succeed and to find your passion, while using your drive and determination to power through when times get tough. 
Many people don’t realize that I have been running a school for about 10 years now. I have trained over 1,000 students, teaching them how to get good, high-paying jobs in construction trades. I started my school because I couldn’t sit by any longer and watch talent get wasted. I saw kids who wanted to work hard but didn’t know how to apply that drive in a meaningful way. It’s been the most rewarding experience of my life, especially as I see my former students come back to help teach the next generation of skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen.
As you head back to school, I wanted to give each of you a few things to ponder about as you move along in your educational journey. 
WHATEVER YOU’RE DOING, DO IT COMPLETELY. No matter what it is, if you are spending your time on something – homework, sports, fitness, reading, working – make sure you are doing it with all of your energy. We live in a very distracting world, with so many things trying to pull our attention away from what we’re doing. If you’re doing your homework, put the phone away. Turn off the television. Give yourself the opportunity to devote your entire self to whatever you are doing. You’ll find that the results will be better, the rewards more rewarding.

HARD WORK CREATES NEW OPPORTUNITIES. The single best way to be noticed in this world is to work hard. People are drawn to hard workers like magnets. They can’t help but look at those people. When you give 100% of your effort to the task at hand, you are telling the universe that you’re ready for the next challenge even if you don’t know it. You will be amazed at the new opportunities that will open up once you get a reputation as a hard worker.

YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL AT ANYTHING. You don’t have to be a Wall Street banker or a NASA engineer to make a great living in this world. If you’re good at something – anything – you can make a living doing it. If you focus and practice and become excellent at it, you can make a great living. Hard work, as I said above, creates opportunities. I know guys who started out as plumbers who now own houses in the Hamptons. If you are the best ditch-digger in the world, you will have a good paying job your whole life. For every talent out there, there is opportunity. Don’t ever be discouraged. Start anywhere, work hard, and before you know it, you’ll be running the place.
The point I really want you to take away from all of this is that success is within your grasp. I want you to know that the entire City of Mount Vernon is pulling for you to succeed. There is more talent in this four square-mile city than in any City I’ve ever seen. History has proven that. With your help, we know the future is very bright, indeed.
Keep working hard. Keep focusing. Keep practicing. Keep striving to be the best you can be. We’re rooting for you. And, we’re all here to help however we can.
If you have thoughts or comments about this issue or any other, reach out to me at

Mount Vernon Insider: City of Mount Vernon: Upcoming Community Conversation & Budget Public Hearing.

  We invite you to participate in two important discussions about the 2025 City Budget:  Community Conversation with Mayor Shawyn Patterson-...